The Glynn Family-Family Sessions/Newberg, Oregon Photographer

"My favorite...
My favorite...
She's my favorite girl, the one I'm always thinking of, that one.
My favorite girl, the one I love."

-'My Favorite Girl'-NKOTB

I cannot explain how wonderful it feels to me to be chosen as a family's photographer repeatedly. It feels flat out amazing! It's so great to see families again and to know that I did something right. Last winter, I had the pleasure of photographing the Glynn family and I was so honored to be chosen to do their photos this year. 

The Glynn family is super fun to work with and Megan is one of my cheerleaders, she is so sweet and just edifies me. She is the type of person that just makes you feel good and she wants good for you. 

And Miss A, oh my goodness, she is just sweet as can be! Our kiddos go to the same school and when I see her at the school she just beams a giant smile and says 'Hi Ms. Nanci!' And she is smart, she knows what she wants too! She gets into the photo shoot and has her ideas of how to pose. I love it!!! It's so much fun, I love seeing her personality is the photos. 

Oh and Megan also introduced me to  I just received my first woodsnap product last week. It's super cool. Your photos on wood. Get your photos printed, don't just keep them hidden in your computer. =D

Thank you SO much Glynn family for choosing me again to photograph you! 

Go forth and rock on!