Saying goodbye is never easy, especially to one of your best friends. The one who was there when your heart ached, who was there to share in your exciting news, who was there when your brought your babies home.
When I was a kid, my fur best friend just knew, I never had to say a word. She just knew when I my heart was in pain. She would just come up to me and lick my cheek and curl into me. She knew when I was hurting and I just needed comfort and she gave it to me, expecting nothing in return.
Our pets, to many of us, are more than just a pet. They are our babies or our best friends who love us, every part of us.
Recently my dear friend had to say goodbye to her sweet girl Ally. Ally had a wonderful life and was deeply loved. She often darted out the door whenever I would come visit my friend. She followed her momma around everywhere she went, enjoyed camping with her family and she special visits with her grandma and grandpa. I was honored to be able to take some last photos of Ally and the day she said, "till next time".
Staying close to Momma
I love how she would curl her paws in.