Wardin Family Session-Newberg/Portland Area Photographer

"Love me tender,
love me sweet,
never let me go.
You have made my life complete,
and I love you so.

Love me tender,
love me true,
all my dreams fulfilled.
For my darlin' I love you,
and I always will." 

-"Love Me Tender" by Elivs Presely

Mother's love- Nanci Imagery

When I think of the Wardin family, the words 'gentle' and 'tender' come to my mind. The way they speak and interact with each other is with such patience and benevolence. They are genuine and a true pleasure to be around. 

I met Jessica through our church and I always enjoyed seeing her husband, Daniel,  baby wearing their youngest sweet boy during the service. Seriously, seeing a man wearing their baby in a carrier makes my heart smile.  I had the pleasure of getting to know Jessica a bit better through a parenting bible study which I thoroughly enjoyed. Jessica has a huge heart and is devoted to God and her family. 

The day of our session was hot but we found an escape from the heat up at Bald Peak State Park. Up there, it was lovely and the sun peaking through the trees was beautiful. Ah....Oregon, I love you! The kids were just like their parents, tender with each other and a joy to work with.  I enjoyed learning about how Daniel and Jessica met (hint- she pursued him!). One of my favorite parts about my job is talking with people and learning a bit about their story. I find people fascinating and I was surprised to hear that Jessica pursued him. I love it!

I really love how these images turned out. The family, the love, the adorable kiddos, the light, the beauty of Oregon. I love it all. 

Thank you Wardin family for choosing me to capture your family!  Go forth a tenderly rock on! 
