Lotz Family Session/Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart
I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweet"

-'Ho Hey'- The Lumineers


The Lotz family, such a gorgeous family! Not  only are they gorgeous but they are  kind and super cool.  A little bit about their session: so, previously I said that the golden hour is usually the best time to shoot to get that soft,  magical, golden light. So for the Lotz session we scheduled it for that magical hour (which actually isn't really an hour-but more like 40 minutes) . The day had been sunny and beautiful. I was pumped for the session, as I think most photographers get when they are going to shoot during the golden hour.  However, shortly after I arrived at Champoeg Park, the dark, dark clouds set in. And the golden hour was zip. We lost light quickly, very quickly. We seemed to skip the golden hour and went straight to gray hour. Yeah, I know that's not really a thing.  Anyway, we made the best of it. And the Lotz family was super understanding. Golden hour or not, this family can rock any photo session! 

Thank you Lotz family! Go forth and keep on rockin'!!