A foggy morning fifth birthday photo session done at Bald Peak State Park with photographer, Nanci Imagery
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Maternity Portraits | Newberg, Oregon Photographer
Maternity session done in Newberg, Oregon at Bald Peak State Park with photographer, Nanci Imagery.
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Sixth month baby boy portraits with Pomeranians in Newberg, Oregon with photographer, Nanci Imagery at Bald Peak State Park.
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Snipits of Family Portraits from the Early Fall Season, 2017.
More to come...=D
Nanci Imagery
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Summer Evening Family Portrait
Summer Evening Family Portraits|Newberg, Oregon Photographer
Summer Evening Family Portraits with Photographer, Nanci Imagery. Photos done at Bald Peak State Park.
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Beautiful and Spiritual Vow Renewal at Bald Peak with Photographer, Nanci Imagery
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Family Beefy Session at Bald Peak State Park in Hillsboro, Oregon with Photographer, Nanci Imagery
Read MoreFamily Session/Twins Cake Smash- Newberg/Portland Area Photographer
"Brother let me be your shelter
I’ll never leave you all alone
I can be the one you call
When you’re low
Brother let me be your fortress
When the night winds are driving on
Be the one to light the way
Bring you home"
- Need to Breathe 'Brother'
This session was double the cuteness! Ryan and Nikki are blessed with delightful and super chill twin boys and recently they celebrated their first birthday. Nikki is a member of Baby Bootcamp and she was the winner of the fitness challenge. This girl increased her running from an occasional mile to nine miles! She lost 20.6 pounds and 12 inches overall! And as part of the prize, Nikki won a 30 minute session with me. She chose to increase the session to an hour session so that we could do family photos and cake smash photos.
You can learn more about Baby Boot Camp here:
Nikki had made these fun posters and highchair banners (Thing 1 and Thing 2 themed) for their birthday party and she brought them for their session. I love the pop of color that they brought to the session.
The Orr boys are both so yummy but even early in the session I could see how different these two are. Hunter, IMO looks so much like his mommy. Blond curls too! Cooper looks like daddy. Hunter is more of a momma's boy, if he could see his momma he wanted to be held by her. Cooper was easily entertained my his daddy. But both boys are easy going. I admit, with twin 1 year old boys, I expected to burn my daily calorie intake but they were super easy-going.
These brothers are so blessed to have each other, to be each other's shelter in the storm, to bring the other up when they are low, to be a light when they need it...and to complain to each other about how mean mom and dad are because they have to clean their rooms.
Orr family, go forth and keep on rockin'!