And Then There Were Four-Family Session-Portland Photographer

I had the pleasure of photographing the Lee family when they were anticipating the arrival of their new addition. It was such an honor to photograph them again and getting to meet their new precious Mister.  He and his sister are so yummy! Miss R loves the water and nature; a Woodpecker even came out to sing to her. 

He's up each morning bright and early
To wake up all the neighborhood
To bring to ev'ry boy and girlie
His happy serenade on wood

-The Woodpecker Song-Glenn Miller


Four Males and a Radiant Redhead

Here's your pillow, go to sleep and I will follow
May you never have any more sorrows
That's not something you can count upon
Still I want it for my three sons
My, my, my three sons

-Elvis Costello