"It's like spooning a warm marshmallow"
- Fred 'Big Hero 6'
Look at this young lad. I mean, doesn't he just radiate 'cool'?
I have known Brecken's momma, Calli, for a few years now. We met while being tortured in a full-body workout that we love/hate. We bonded over the pain and suffering that we choose to do to ourselves. When she choose me to photograph her family, I was thrilled. Calli is sarcastic-funny, personable, fashionable, easy to talk with, well, she is just fun to be around. When I first photographed her and her family, she was in her 1st trimester of pregnancy and we did announcement photos and gender reveal photos. At that time Brecken was 2.5-3 years old and I was impressed at his ability to follow directions and while also letting his personality shine through.
I am going to step to the side for a moment here, forgive me. When we did Calli's maternity session, it rained. We did a few images in the rain with the intention of shooting more images at a later date. That never happened as her sweet baby boy came early (it may have even rained for their newborn session). Then we scheduled this session, the headshots, and it rained. We rescheduled for the following week. Guess what, thunderstorm. We rescheduled for 2 days later and guess what. Yep. thunderstorm. No joke. We were able to do most of the session before the rain hit though. There was a large threatening cloud coming closer and closer as the session went on. I think that maybe Calli and Brecken have to much electricity for the camera?
Throw-back to Calli's maternity session.
Calli's precious new baby boy.