Newborn Sessions- What to Expect/How to Prepare

Newborn Sessions- What to Expect/How to Prepare


·         When?

If you have received this list then we probably already have a tentative date penciled in.  After baby’s arrival, contact me ASAP so that we can set the definite date. For a studio/posed style we will need to do the session within the first 2 weeks of life, the first week is best. The reason for this is because they are so sleepy and pose-able during this time. After the 2 week mark, newborns are more awake and will not get/stay in those curled up poses easily.


For a lifestyle session, we have more time. I like to do them within the first month.


·         Where?

In the comfort of your own home. Please, please do not be worried about your home being a mess! As a momma to 3, I know the last thing I was thinking about was having a clean home. Do not stress it!


If it is a posed/studio style session, I will set-up near a large window. If we are doing a lifestyle session, I will usually shoot where the natural light is best; either the living room, master bedroom, nursery. I also will bring lighting equipment in you want to shoot is a space that does not have good natural light.


Preparing your home for my arrival:


1.     Set your thermostat to about 78-80 degrees, if you are sweating then it is prefect for baby. The reason for this is so that baby will stay sleeping and comfortable. For a lifestyle session, this is not necessary.

2.     Open the blinds/curtains.

3.     If it is a lifestyle session, no need to deep clean, just have the room we are shooting in clutter-free/bed made.


·         Preparing Baby

Newborns are unpredictable, they do not work around our schedule. This shoot is all about them. I plan for a session to take between 2-4 hours (a lifestyle session takes 1-1/2 to 2 hours) and the reason for this is so that if baby needs a break to eat, have a diaper changed or be calmed, we can take the time to attend to baby’s needs. Some things to help prepare baby:


1.     If possible, keep baby awake before our session so that baby will be exhausted and ready for a deep sleep upon my arrival.

2.     Feed and burp baby right before my arrival.

3.     Set the thermostat about 30 minutes before our scheduled time (no need to do this for a lifestyle session).


·         Relax

I know it is hard. Will my baby sleep? Will my baby poop on the blankets? Will my baby be fussy? Will my older kids behave? Babies and children sense our own feelings. If we are calm and patient, all will work out.

·         Poop

I expect it, don’t worry.


·         What to Wear?

1.     After I had my babies, the last thing I wanted to do was great dressed up and be in photos. I was not feeling like myself at all and I was tired. But being in the photos is SO worth it!! Take the time to get cleaned up and make yourself feel refreshed. Choose clothes that are simple, no busy patterns, it will take the attention away from baby.  Mid-tones colors, cream is better than white, browns are better than black. Think peaceful and cozy. The following link shows examples of nice color choices.

Wear something that is flattering and comfortable for you; maybe that is a long dress or a cardigan and jeans.

2.     Avoid matching the family perfectly. Instead think of three complementary colors and choose items from those color groups.


3.     Please try to avoid logos.


4.     Here is the link to my Pinterest page for further guidance:


·         Props?

I like the simple, natural style. I do not use a lot of props. However, if you have a special blanket, stuffie, bow, outfit, or small item that you would like incorporated in the photos, please have them set aside and ready for the session.


Most importantly, your baby’s comfort, safety and your comfort is most important. It is my priority. If you have any questions or requests about the session that is not covered here, please feel free to ask.
