Newberg/Portland Oregon Photographer/Family Session

“I can hear her heart beat for a thousand miles
And the heavens open every time she smiles
And when I come to her that's where I belong
Yet I'm running to her like a river's song”

-‘Crazy Love’ –Van Morrison


The Coursen’s. Where do I start? I cherish and respect this young family.

I first met The Coursen family  approximately 5 years ago when my family first started attending Newberg Christian Fellowship Church in Newberg where Mr. Coursen is a Youth Pastor and heads the worship team. This man is a fantastic teacher, he has a mind like a sponge and a passion for God, for learning and for teaching. He also is madly, deeply in love with his wife, Kristina. And it’s such a sweet love. Because his wife Kristina, is also madly, deeply in love with her man.

Couple photography, Nanci Imagery

A little under two months ago, David spoke to me about scheduling a surprise session for his wife. However, shortly after we spoke Kristina messaged me about scheduling a family session for her husband for Father’s Day. Hmmm, what to do? Well, I admit, it’s a great position to be in. Kristina ended up scheduling with me first and she was able to surprise him with the session. And of course it was then that Kristina learned how he planned on surprising her.  

Session time arrives and I am not surprised how well-dressed each of them looks. Kristina has an eye for fashion and finding cool pieces at thrift stores and knowing how to pair them with other items to create a stylish outfit. I know how to pair t-shirts with jeans and sneakers/boots and I can’t recognize a good find in a thrift –store even if it had huge, bright neon lights blinking around it. I so wish I could do what she does.

And those sweet girls of theirs, oh my goodness, just look at them. They are polite, loving, respectful young girls with their own sweet developing personalities.

Sisters Photography, Nanci Imagery

Ok, so for my quote and the reason I chose it. I chose it because what stands out in my memory from this session is the love that Mr. Coursen  has for his woman.  He is crazy in love with her. I could see it overflowing during their photos together. When it was time for them to have their couple photos, he was all hers. His attention was on her. Fully.

I could go on about this sweet family, but hopefully the photos will tell a bit more of there story. 

 Sweet Coursen’s thank you for choosing me to photograph you! Keep on rockin’ that love you all have for each other!