Hinchliff Family Session-Newberg/Portland Oregon Photographer

“Cause baby, now we've got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you've done
Cause baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!” 

-Taylor Swift

 “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift. The Hinchliff girl’s current favorite song. Cheryl, the girl’s momma, is brilliant. At the beginning of the shoot she turned on the song to help set the mood and to get the girls energized. Music at every shoot would be great.

Sisters at an old farm, Nanci Imagery

The Hinchliff girls are a combination of adorable, sweet and silly. A pretty great combination, in my opinion. They were so easy to shoot, they seemed to have a great time. Miss A. had specific requests about photos she wanted me to take, Bunny ears over her sisters head, of course. But she also had requests for me to take a particular photo of her sisters scrunched up face because, “it’s so adorable”. I love it! I know I have said this before but I will say it again, I love it when kids get involved with the session and communicate their ideas. I helps me to get to know them and hear what makes them tick. 

Adorable scrunched up face, Nanci Imagery

Tom, the girl’s daddy, wanted to do the session at a special location, his late friend’s property. With authorization, we were able to shoot at the old farm house. A really old farm house. And it was superb. Gorgeous family, farm house, wheat, evening sun, trees, old shed = a photographers dream.

Cheryl came prepared with a few ideas of photos that she wanted to do and everyone was game to do them. Well, of course Tom was a willing participant, he got to make-out with his wife. Well, ok, a make-out session is a bit of an exaggeration but I know he enjoyed it.  

Kissing, Nanci Imagery

Thank you Cheryl for choosing me again to document your family this year. I truly enjoy spending time with you and your family! 

Go forth and rock it Hinchliffs!