3 Month Milestone Session- Newberg/Portland Area Photographer

“Tiny hands, yes, that's you
And all you show, it's simply true
I smell your breath, it makes me cry
I wonder how I've lived my life

'Cause without you how did I get through
All of my days, without you?
Now living with you, see every thing's true
My baby, it's you, my baby, my baby, my baby"

-Britney Spears, “My Baby”

3 month milestone session

Oh boy! Just look at the grin! Sweet Mr. T was happy as can be for our session. It is so fun to see the interest in his eyes as he experienced new things....or things he may not have not figured out quite yet. When he was laid down on the blanket, his interest was peaked by the huge tree above him and the light coming through.  At one point, I laid down next to him to experience for myself what he was looking at and I tried to visualize how it may look to him. And I wondered how he experienced what he saw. Do you ever do that when you notice a baby deep in interest, their focus locked on? I think it's a nice perspective to remember how everything is new for them, things that we take for granted or things that we just don't acknowledge as interesting anymore.   

Due to his interest in the tree, I decided to have him interact with his momma, Amber,  to get some smiles.  As you can see from his reaction, he adores his momma! We got some great shots of him playing with mom and when he decided was done he showed me the cutest/saddest pouty face. What made it even more adorable was that Amber seemed to feel his pain as she was making the same face! 

Thank you Amber for choosing me to capture your precious gift! Go forth and keep on rockin'!