Lifestyle Newborn Session-The Severeid Family / Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer

Lifestyle Newberg Session, Newberg, Oregon

Aloha, Banks, Beaverton, Bethany, Cornelius, Durham, Forest Grove, Gales Creek, Gaston, Helvatia, Hillsboro, King City, Laurelwood, North Plains, Scholls, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin, Wilsonville, McMinnville, Newberg, Carlton, Yamhill, Dundee, Lafayette, Dayton, Gresham, Portland, Lake Oswego, Milwaukie, Wood village, Clackamas, Happy Valley, Oregon City, West Linn, Canby, Salem, Keizer

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The Lasselle Family Session/Sherwood, Oregon Photographer

"I came to get down
So get out your seats and jump around
Jump around
Jump up, jump up and get down.
-'Jump Around'- House of Pain

This session was amazing! Bryony's dear friend allowed us to use her gorgeous property. The lighting was dreamy as is this sweet, young family. My favorite memory from this session was how the boys daddy, Grant, would run and jump over their two year to make him laugh. It totally worked. It is something that he would normally do while playing with him. Lil' man LOVED the water. He was most interested in throwing rocks in the water (aren't most boys?).

Lasselle family, thank you so much for choosing me to photograph your delicious family!

Go forth and rock on! 

Khamnohack Family Session/Hillsboro, Oregon Photographer

"To score a ten would be just fine
But I'd rather be dressed to the nines
It's a truth you can't refute
Nothing suits me like a suit
Picture a world where all the girls and boys
Are impeccably well dressed
That delivery guy in the jacket and tie
That puppy in the double-breast
That '80s dude in mutton chops
That baby with a lollipop
That lady cop who's kinda cute"

-'Nothing suits 'em like a suit' from 'How I Met Your Mother"

Seriously, how smooth are the Khamnohacks? Not only do they look smooth but their session went super smooth too! We met at Rood Bridge park in Hillsboro and it was so lovely.

This session was done late September 2015. Yes, I am 3 months behind in blogging. Yikes! In my defense, I did not want to ruin anyone's holiday cards and it was the busy season. But I will be banging them out this winter! With the session is where I learned a new way to get kiddos involved in the session, play catch with the dog toy. Total hit with the wee ones even though my aim is awful!


Thank you Khamnohack Family for a fantastic session.Go forth and keep rockin' on! 

Lujan Family Session/Sherwood, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"Come on, take a chance
Get up and start the dance
Let the D.J. shake you
Let the music take you"

-'Everybody'- Madonna

Dance, nanci Imagery

When I arrived at Magnus Tree Farm in Sherwood, Oregon for the Lujan's family session, I realized that I recognized them but I just could not place it. Then when I got out of the car, I realized exactly where I know Holly and Dan from, the torture class at our gym. Holly and I had been emailing each other back and forth regarding the session but we did not realize that we actually know each other. I found it pretty amusing because anyone who does the torture class at the gym, I feel bonded too, even if I don't know their name. We suffered together, therefore we are bonded. =)

Holly and Dan are blessed with two wonderful, handsome, loving boys.  The whole family knows how to have fun. At the end of the session, we had a wee dance party...well, they had a dance party, I captured it. 

Thank you Lujan family for choosing me to photograph your delightful family! Go forth, burpee and rock on! 

The Burgess Family/ Newberg, Oregon Photographer

It's a cute overload
Don't you want to take us home
Cute, cute, cute, cute overload"

-Parry Gripp

©Nanci Imagery-2039.jpg

Get ready to be overloaded with cuteness. This family is so adorable I can hardly handle it. Abby is a very busy momma! She works for George Fox University and  is a fitness guru who inspires many on a daily basis, including myself. You can learn more about her here:  Her main man is a firefighter. And together they make a super, duper strong couple!

When we met for our session, Abby told me that their little man, Mr. C., takes time to warm up to people. He must love the camera because he just lit up right away. The photo above is one of the first shots.  This session was a dream. I love how these turned out. I hope you enjoy them too! 

Thank you Burgess family for choosing me to be your photographer. Go forth and continue to rock on! 

Hettervig Family/Extended Family Session/ Oregon City, Oregon Photographer

"Wow look at you now
Flowers in the window
It's such a lovely day
And I'm glad you feel the same
Cause to stand up, out in the crowd
You are one in a million
And I love you so
Lets watch the flowers grow"

Travis- "Watch the Flowers Grow"

I had such a delightful afternoon with Cheryl and her family.  The grounds were absolutely stunning, the weather was sunny and warm as is Cheryl and her family.  They welcomed me like an old family friend. Frankly, I didn't want to leave. I just wanted to keep photographing them and chatting.  They are genuine, chill, funny people. The kind that you want to BBQ with. 

The little man of the family is such a character with a happy spirit. He is the one that first showed me how funny my squeaky booty is. If you do not know what my squeaky booty is, well, you should just see me in action. 

At the end of the session I was gifted with some deliciously ripe tomatoes, cucumbers and corn from the Hettervig garden. Mr. Hettervig thoughtfully picked them out for me. When I came home, my eldest son was in heaven. He loves cucumbers and eats them like an apple. 

You know, just thinking of them reminds me that a little thoughtfulness and kindness goes a long way. Being welcomed to the Hettervig home, trusting me with capturing their family, picking veggies special for me and enough for me to share with my family made me feel like I am apart of a community and that I am cared for even though they had just met me. Each one of them showed me kindness and it made me feel good. Not for just the day, but when I think of that day and this family, a smile comes to my heart. 

Thank you Cheryl and family for letting me be apart of your day! Go forth and rock on!! 

Milestone Session: First Birthday. Dundee/Portland Area Photographer

First Birthday session at Sokol Blosser Winery

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The Redfield Family Session- Wilsonville, Oregon/Portland Area Photographer

"I feel it
It's coming

Feel it on my fingertips
Hear it on my window pane
Your love is coming down like

'Rain"- Madonna

It's the end of August. Portland has had a dry Summer. However, on this particular Summer day, as I was on my way to the shoot with the Redfields, I drove through the dark grey rain clouds. I drove through the buckets of rain. Thinking to myself, "Really, really? Rain now?!" I continued to drive to the shoot anyway. I drove through the rain and came out into the sun. Phew. 

I get to the location and as we are discussing the shoot, the rain starts coming down on us. Then it really starts pouring. We ran to cover and we decided that we would wait a bit to see if the rain would pass. It did not look like it was going to. But it did and I am so glad that we decided to wait it out. 

The sun shinning and then being blocked by the clouds created a challenge for me that day but these three kiddos did not. They were so easy to work with. Full of light and personality. 

Sweet boy, Nanci Imagery
Nanci Imagery

Thank you Redfield family for choosing me and trusting me to capture your loving family! I enjoyed my time with you. 

Neskowin Beach Mini Sessions/Portland, Oregon Photographer

Neskowin Beach Mini sessions with Nanci Imagery. Newberg, Oregon and Portland, Oregon Photographer. 

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Family/First Birthday Session-Newberg, Oregon Photographer-Nanci Imagery

First Birthday and Family Portraits

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3 Month Milestone Session- Newberg/Portland Area Photographer

“Tiny hands, yes, that's you
And all you show, it's simply true
I smell your breath, it makes me cry
I wonder how I've lived my life

'Cause without you how did I get through
All of my days, without you?
Now living with you, see every thing's true
My baby, it's you, my baby, my baby, my baby"

-Britney Spears, “My Baby”

3 month milestone session

Oh boy! Just look at the grin! Sweet Mr. T was happy as can be for our session. It is so fun to see the interest in his eyes as he experienced new things....or things he may not have not figured out quite yet. When he was laid down on the blanket, his interest was peaked by the huge tree above him and the light coming through.  At one point, I laid down next to him to experience for myself what he was looking at and I tried to visualize how it may look to him. And I wondered how he experienced what he saw. Do you ever do that when you notice a baby deep in interest, their focus locked on? I think it's a nice perspective to remember how everything is new for them, things that we take for granted or things that we just don't acknowledge as interesting anymore.   

Due to his interest in the tree, I decided to have him interact with his momma, Amber,  to get some smiles.  As you can see from his reaction, he adores his momma! We got some great shots of him playing with mom and when he decided was done he showed me the cutest/saddest pouty face. What made it even more adorable was that Amber seemed to feel his pain as she was making the same face! 

Thank you Amber for choosing me to capture your precious gift! Go forth and keep on rockin'!

Hinchliff Family Session-Newberg/Portland Oregon Photographer

“Cause baby, now we've got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you've done
Cause baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!” 

-Taylor Swift

 “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift. The Hinchliff girl’s current favorite song. Cheryl, the girl’s momma, is brilliant. At the beginning of the shoot she turned on the song to help set the mood and to get the girls energized. Music at every shoot would be great.

Sisters at an old farm, Nanci Imagery

The Hinchliff girls are a combination of adorable, sweet and silly. A pretty great combination, in my opinion. They were so easy to shoot, they seemed to have a great time. Miss A. had specific requests about photos she wanted me to take, Bunny ears over her sisters head, of course. But she also had requests for me to take a particular photo of her sisters scrunched up face because, “it’s so adorable”. I love it! I know I have said this before but I will say it again, I love it when kids get involved with the session and communicate their ideas. I helps me to get to know them and hear what makes them tick. 

Adorable scrunched up face, Nanci Imagery

Tom, the girl’s daddy, wanted to do the session at a special location, his late friend’s property. With authorization, we were able to shoot at the old farm house. A really old farm house. And it was superb. Gorgeous family, farm house, wheat, evening sun, trees, old shed = a photographers dream.

Cheryl came prepared with a few ideas of photos that she wanted to do and everyone was game to do them. Well, of course Tom was a willing participant, he got to make-out with his wife. Well, ok, a make-out session is a bit of an exaggeration but I know he enjoyed it.  

Kissing, Nanci Imagery

Thank you Cheryl for choosing me again to document your family this year. I truly enjoy spending time with you and your family! 

Go forth and rock it Hinchliffs!

80th Birthday Celebration- Newberg/Portland Area Photographer

"Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind
Memories, sweetened through the ages just like wine"

"Memories"-  Mac Davis (for Elvis Presley)

My friend Whitney contacted me about coming to her husband's grandma's 80th birthday celebration last month at Hayden's Lakefront Grill in Tualatin. Whitney had learned that many of Helen's older photos had been destroyed. So she thought it would be nice to have a photographer come and capture some new memories. Isn't that such a sweet gesture! And I was thrilled to be the one to do it. 

Helen at her birthday celebration

Helen at her birthday celebration

When I first met Helen, I was surprised.  I thought she was 20 years younger.  She was surrounded family-by her kids, grand-kids, great-grand kids and friends. After dinner we did a few family shots and then her family surprised her with a slideshow of memories. I enjoy being on the sidelines watching in, capturing the emotion. It was so sweet watching her reaction to all the photos, reminiscing about that time with her loved ones surrounding her. I especially enjoyed seeing her 3 year old great-granddaughter taking delight in the slideshow as well.  

Helen seemed to really enjoy herself and I am so happy that I was able to capture new memories for her. For me personally, I have memories of times that have photos attached to them. Unfortunately, the memories I have of the past that do not have photos are jumbled in my mind or lost completely. It would be devastation for me if I lost (and I have) old images of my past. But on this day, Helen has new memories with images to go with them. =)

Happy 80th Helen! Keep on rockin' beautiful lady! 

New Life- Newberg/Portland, Oregon Photographer

"I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love
'Cause you're my Starbucks girl
I can't get enough
I can't get enough
I can't get enough
'Cause you're my Starbucks girl
Maybe it's time to tell you straight
The coffee in here ain't all that great
I just come to be with you
I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love
I'm falling in love
'Cause you're my Starbucks girl"

-Evan Taubenfeld, "Starbucks Girl"

3 week old, newborn photography

Cody and Kayla met while working at Starbucks. From the story I was told, and I am going with it because it is so darn sweet, is that Starbucks has/had a policy that you could not date a co-worker. After a while of working together, Cody asked Kayla out but Kayla said no because it is against work policy. So Cody got quit Starbucks so that he could be with Kayla. Now, is this the real reason why he quit? I don’t know, but I like this version. ♥ And eight years later, Cody and Kayla’s little family has grown. Don’t ya love it?

Kayla contacted me about a maternity session. I love maternity sessions and I love what comes after, newborn sessions! She wanted to include their American Bulldog, Cash which made me even happier. I love it when people want to include their fur babies. We had the session scheduled for the last Sunday of May during the glorious golden hour. However, Friday of that weekend Kayla’s water broke. Baby girl had other plans for that weekend. If I remember correctly, she was born on the day of that we had the maternity session scheduled.

Sweet baby A was born early but healthy! I am bummed that we were not able to get maternity photos for Kayla but I was thrilled to be doing her newborn photos. I arrived at their home and was greeted by Cash (they also have a gorgeous kitty named Mia). While I was setting up, Cody and Kayla asked me if I wanted anything from Starbucks as Cody was going to get some coffees. I thought that was super fitting being Starbucks is where they met.

Baby A was 3 weeks old at the time of the session. She was a trooper for sure. She slept great! She liked to be sprawled out, she preferred her arms laying out rather than tucked in. This is typical after about 2 weeks of age.  She preferred her arms out so we went with it, and she was happy as can be that way. She smiled SO much throughout our session and thrilled that we are able to catch a few of them on camera.

Thank you so much Cody and Kayla for choosing me to document this special time. Go forth, love fiercely and rock on! 

Englen Maternity Session-Newberg/Portland, Oregon Photographer

         Laughing, floating bubbles bouncing by
Lifting, soaring upwards towards the sky
Each contains a scene from childhood dreams
Keep the bubbles bouncing and be free- Brian Cox 2001
Blowing Bubbles, Maternity session

I could have photographed this sweet young family  Usually toddlers have a 10 minute time frame for do dad's. However, Jared and his daughter were really into this session as well as momma-to-be Megan. Photo sessions are extra fun when everyone is relaxed and wants to be there. Jared and Megan brought bubbles for little E to play with; a sure fire way to bring out the fun, even for the adults. What is it about bubbles that just makes one feel carefree? Well, at least that's how I feel about bubbles. I can't help but smile watching a child face light up from blowing bubbles, watching them float and trying to pop them (or if you are my boys, trying to sword them). 

What's so funny to me is that even when it was time to get photos of just Jared and Megan, their sweet daughter wanted to be in them too. That rarely happens! She would come up and squeeze her face in between theirs or come up and hug on mommy or daddy. Such a sweet girl, so loving. When I was getting a photo of Jared and Megan, I asked them to kiss so Lil' E came over and joined them in their kiss. I had a different vision of the photo but that is what I love so much about photo sessions. I give guidance and you bring yourself and be yourself, interact and we will see what unfolds. It's fantastic when these things come together. 

Megan  was so fun to work with. She brought a hat and when she put it on, a different side of her came out. It was fantastic! Megan is expecting her second daughter in July. I believe lil' E is going to be a doting big sister, gentle and affectionate. 

I foresee many days of the Englen sisters blowing bubbles together and giggling as they try to pop them all. 

Thank you Englen family for letting me capture you! For forth and rock the delivery of

baby girl Englen! 

Thrasher Family Session- Newberg/Portland, Oregon Photographer

You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes.
— ~Walter M. Schirra, Sr.

Do you remember Nichole? I blogged about her here:

Nichole owns Lavoie Photography in Newberg. She specializes in High School Senior Portraits, she also photographs newborns, children, families and weddings.

I admire Nichole. She is down-to-earth, friendly, business savvy and a fantastic photographer.  Her eldest son recently graduated from High School and will be heading off this summer for his new life adventure. Therefore, Nichole needed some updated family portraits and she choose me as her photographer. Me. She choose ME! Do you know how special that has me feeling? I am so honored to be chosen by this uber talented photographer.

The day of our session the temp was in the mid 90’s which is really warm for the PNW. Being that I am from Sacramento where the temperature in the summer can get into the 100’s, I get a chuckle when it is in the mid 60’s in Oregon and I feel like I am melting from the heat. So yeah, the 90’s is hot for most of Pacific Northwesterners. Although we were hot, Nichole and her men were awesome. There were no complaints and they are a really photogenic family, which made my job pretty smooth sailing.

Because Nichole is a professional photographer herself, we focused on getting shots of her with her four men. We started with her youngest, Nathan, and is he a lovebug! I could eat him up! He loves his momma, is affectionate, has a huge adorable smile and specifically asked for photos of him kissing his momma.  It cannot get better than this! Next was their middle son, Drew, who was quiet, respectful and a total natural in front of the camera, just look at that smile! Then was Sean, their eldest. Sean will be starting a new chapter in his life this summer, he has joined the military and I know his dad and mom are so proud of him! All three of these young men were so respectful, easy to talk to, smart and kind. To be frank, I felt a wee bit blue when I came home. I felt sadness because these three young men had me again realizing how little time we parents really have with our kiddos under our care. When I got home I just wanted to pick them up, shrink them and stuff them into my heart and keep them there forever. Yet my three little boys were all tucked in their beds. My eldest was in bed but not asleep, the other 2 were in dreamland.  I asked my eldest to come to me. I held him. I squeezed him tight and I shed some tears while holding him. I told him repeatedly that I love him, that I am proud of him and that he is special. We can never say this enough.

One of my favorite images from the session is of Nichole and her husband Frank. They are a team. And together they are doing a wonderful job raising these boys into men. Both of them are hard workers, striving to do the best they can for their family and each other. Frank works full time AND is in school. I imagine that he is tired but I would not have known. He is easy to talk with, chill, and seemed to me to be a ‘happy-go-lucky’ guy.

Thank you so much Nichole for choosing me to photograph your family! Seriously, Your family rocks and I will continue to look to you for advice on raising my 3 sons.

Go forth, snap and rock on!