The Redfield Family Session- Wilsonville, Oregon/Portland Area Photographer

"I feel it
It's coming

Feel it on my fingertips
Hear it on my window pane
Your love is coming down like

'Rain"- Madonna

It's the end of August. Portland has had a dry Summer. However, on this particular Summer day, as I was on my way to the shoot with the Redfields, I drove through the dark grey rain clouds. I drove through the buckets of rain. Thinking to myself, "Really, really? Rain now?!" I continued to drive to the shoot anyway. I drove through the rain and came out into the sun. Phew. 

I get to the location and as we are discussing the shoot, the rain starts coming down on us. Then it really starts pouring. We ran to cover and we decided that we would wait a bit to see if the rain would pass. It did not look like it was going to. But it did and I am so glad that we decided to wait it out. 

The sun shinning and then being blocked by the clouds created a challenge for me that day but these three kiddos did not. They were so easy to work with. Full of light and personality. 

Sweet boy, Nanci Imagery
Nanci Imagery

Thank you Redfield family for choosing me and trusting me to capture your loving family! I enjoyed my time with you.