First Birthday Session- Newberg, Oregon Photographer

I met Mr. H when he was 6 months old. We did a family Christmas session in his beautiful family home. And oh my goodness, he is such a little cutie bear. When I first met him I noticed that he is a thinker, he is curious and aware. I could see that he wanted to observe before getting involved. He was happy and chill. He reminded me of my eldest son. 

6 months photo session

This is Mr. H at his six month/Christmas family session. I just want to kiss those yummy cheeks! 

Well, I'd like to report that at one year old, Mr. H still has those delicious cheeks and now he had curls to go with them! 

We met again at Murase/Memorial park in Wilsonville. One of my favorite spots to shoot. The day was perfect! I mean perfect. Sunny, warm, and a little bit of could cover. I was thrilled as we have been having some rainy days interfering with my sessions.  

Now even-though little man had just woken from his nap, he was all ready for his time in front of the camera. I expected and was all ready to be chasing a busy one year old but he was so compliant. This session was one of the smoothest session I have had. Momma put him where we wanted him,. He smiled, I shot, we went to the next spot, repeat. So.Much.Fun! half way through mom changed his shirt and put on him this adorable bowtie. I just could not take it. So much cuteness! His momma owns a fantastic online baby boutique called 'Cute as a Button Baby Boutique'. The bowtie is from her store. Check it out. So many cool items to be found! I mean check this out! A bacon teether! There is even a broccoli one. 

Baconease-Bacon teether

You can find these and other super cool, fashionable and useful items here:

Now, back to the session. At the last spot, in the grass, Mr. H kept eating the grass just like a cat. It was cracking me up. The photos where he is busting up, yeah, that is because mom was taking the grass away, Gotta love a child that laughs when mom takes something away! How fantastic is he?! 

I hope you enjoy the photos, I sure do! 

Mr. H, until next time, keep on being super fly and rock on!