Sorensen Family Session/Newberg, Oregon Photographer

"There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary"

-'My Hero', Foo Fighters

When I think of the Sorensen family, the word 'hero' comes to mind. Why? I am so glad you asked. =) Colin and Amy do so much for the Newberg community. Colin is a firefighter and Amy volunteersat the Newberg Animal Shelter (looking to adopt a fur baby? Check them out please Giving of yourself to help others is a hero in my eyes. Thank you Colin and Amy for all that you do!

This session was not only a family session but also a milestone session. Mr. P turned one! I think lil man looks so much like his daddy, do you agree? He was so happy and he absolutely was enamored with the bubbles which was fun to watch. I think bubbles are pretty darn cool too! 

What was even better about this session is that Amy gave me two boxes of delicious KIND bars! Yum! The apricot ones are my favorite. 

Thank you Sorensen family for choosing me! Go forth and rock on! 

First Birthday-Milestone Session/Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold,
You're daddy's little girl to have and hold.
A precious gem is what you are,
You're mom-my's bright and shining star.
You're the spirit of Christmas, the star on the tree,
You're the Easter Bunny for mommy and me;
You're sugar, you're spice, you're everything nice,
And you're daddy's little girl."

-Michael Buble "Daddy's little Girl"

Oh boy did I have loads of fun with this session! It was Miss J's first birthday and it was a sunny/overcast day in early September. Sunny/overcast day, you question? Yeah, you know, a not so uncommon day in the Pacific Northwest. There was rain and then it was super sunny and then came the gloom and then rain again.  

But yeah, this session was extra fun for a few reasons, One, it was her special day. Two, because mom and dad were super chill and fun and were up for adding in some extra fun. Three, it was fun watching dad dote on his daughter, making sure her headband was 'just right' before each shot and fixing her dress so it was perfect (see above image).  Four, capturing this little family's love for each other and five, dad is into photography also so he knew exactly how to help me out. It was awesome! 

We did the session on the family's gorgeous property and both grandma's were able to be there also. It was so sweet seeing her interact with her grandma's, she is so loved! 

Mom had the idea to bring out her balls from her ball pit. This was my favorite part. The three of them seemed to have fun playing together and were in the moment and I enjoyed capturing the moment. 

There is also a pond on the property, which I almost lost my shoe in. I had slipped into the pond and my shoe slipped off. Thankfully, I did not fully fall into the pond and my camera was completely safe. 

Thank you so much Kimberly, Jordan and Miss J for letting me be apart of this important time! 

Lil' Miss J, go forth, grow and rock on! 

Family/First Birthday Session-Newberg, Oregon Photographer-Nanci Imagery

First Birthday and Family Portraits

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