Extended Family Portraits done a the Old Schoolhouse in Newberg, Oregon with Photographer, Nanci Imagery
Read MoreLifestyle-In Home Family Session | Sherwood, Oregon Portrait Photographer
Lifestyle/ In home family portrait session done in Sherwood, Oregon with photographer, Nanci Imagery.
Read MoreFall Family Portraits | Sherwood , Oregon Portrait Photographer
Fall family portraits done in Tualatin/Sherwood Oregon with photographer, Nanci Imagery
Read MoreSt. Paul, Oregon Family Photographer, Fall Family Portraits
Family fall portraits done in St. Paul, Oregon with photographer, Nanci Imagery
Read MoreSenior/Graduate Class of 2019 | Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer
Newberg High School Class of 2019-Senior Portraits done in Newberg, Oregon with Photographer, Nanci Imagery
Read MoreSummer Family Portraits | Sherwood, Oregon Photographer
Summer family portraits with chickens done in Sherwood, Oregon with Photographer, Nanci Imagery
Read MoreMaternity and Family Portrait Session | Sherwood, Oregon Photographer
Maternity and family portrait session done in Sherwood, Oregon with photographer, Nanci Imagery
Read MoreMommy and Me Session | Tualatin, Oregon Portrait Photographer
Mommy and me portrait session done in Tualatin, Oregon with Photographer, Nanci Imagery
Read MoreExtended Family Portraits | Newberg, Oregon Photographer
Extended family session done at Friendsview in Newberg, Oregon with Photographer, Nanci Imagery
Read MoreFall Family Session/Tualatin, Oregon Photographer-Nanci Imagery
Fall Family Session at Tualatin Community Park, Oregon with Photographer-Nanci Imagery
Read MoreFamily Portrait Session/Tualatin, Oregon Photographer
Enjoy Life-Enjoy Each Other
Family Portrait Session at Tualatin Refuge Nature Park in Tualatin, Oregon with Photographer Nanci Imagery
Read MoreFamily Portrait Session/Tualatin, Oregon Photographer
Family Portrait Session at Browns Ferry Park in Tualatin, Oregon with Nanci Imagery
Read MoreFamily Session with Twin Toddlers/Newberg, Oregon Photographer
Family Portrait Session Done at Champoeg State Park with Nanci Imagery
Read MorePerdue Family Session/Newberg Family Photographer
Family Session, Camp Tilikum, Newberg
Read MoreBeilstein Family-Family Session/Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer
"I think I'll go for a walk outside now
The summer sun's callin' my name
(I hear ya now)
I just can't stay inside all day
I gotta get out, get me some of those rays
Everybody's smilin', sunshine day
Everybody's laughin', sunshine day
Everybody seems so happy today
It's a sunshine day"
-'Sunshine Day', The Brady Bunch
Did I just quote 'The Brady Bunch'? Oh yeah! Yes, I did. AND while typing this blog, I am listening to the song on YouTube.
This session made me think of that song. It was a beautiful, sunshine day with a beautiful family (and Llama....or is that an alpaca? hmmm). Although it is currently Christmas Eve Eve, I am reliving this warm, late September day and that wonderful golden light. Guys, I am so behind on blogging my sessions, I am still blogging September sessions! Although this week I may be able to catch up.
I absolutely love this session. A wonderful mix of portrait and lifestyle/candid. Such a lovely family and lil' models and one of my favorite locations, Camp Tilikum in Newberg. Can't you just feel the love this family has for each other? Gah, and what a gorgeous couple Matt and Kelsey are!!
I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do.
Thank you Beilstein family for choosing me! Go forth and keep rockin' on!
Hettervig Family/Extended Family Session/ Oregon City, Oregon Photographer
"Wow look at you now
Flowers in the window
It's such a lovely day
And I'm glad you feel the same
Cause to stand up, out in the crowd
You are one in a million
And I love you so
Lets watch the flowers grow"
Travis- "Watch the Flowers Grow"
I had such a delightful afternoon with Cheryl and her family. The grounds were absolutely stunning, the weather was sunny and warm as is Cheryl and her family. They welcomed me like an old family friend. Frankly, I didn't want to leave. I just wanted to keep photographing them and chatting. They are genuine, chill, funny people. The kind that you want to BBQ with.
The little man of the family is such a character with a happy spirit. He is the one that first showed me how funny my squeaky booty is. If you do not know what my squeaky booty is, well, you should just see me in action.
At the end of the session I was gifted with some deliciously ripe tomatoes, cucumbers and corn from the Hettervig garden. Mr. Hettervig thoughtfully picked them out for me. When I came home, my eldest son was in heaven. He loves cucumbers and eats them like an apple.
You know, just thinking of them reminds me that a little thoughtfulness and kindness goes a long way. Being welcomed to the Hettervig home, trusting me with capturing their family, picking veggies special for me and enough for me to share with my family made me feel like I am apart of a community and that I am cared for even though they had just met me. Each one of them showed me kindness and it made me feel good. Not for just the day, but when I think of that day and this family, a smile comes to my heart.
Thank you Cheryl and family for letting me be apart of your day! Go forth and rock on!!
80th Birthday Celebration- Newberg/Portland Area Photographer
"Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind
Memories, sweetened through the ages just like wine"
"Memories"- Mac Davis (for Elvis Presley)
My friend Whitney contacted me about coming to her husband's grandma's 80th birthday celebration last month at Hayden's Lakefront Grill in Tualatin. Whitney had learned that many of Helen's older photos had been destroyed. So she thought it would be nice to have a photographer come and capture some new memories. Isn't that such a sweet gesture! And I was thrilled to be the one to do it.
Helen at her birthday celebration
When I first met Helen, I was surprised. I thought she was 20 years younger. She was surrounded family-by her kids, grand-kids, great-grand kids and friends. After dinner we did a few family shots and then her family surprised her with a slideshow of memories. I enjoy being on the sidelines watching in, capturing the emotion. It was so sweet watching her reaction to all the photos, reminiscing about that time with her loved ones surrounding her. I especially enjoyed seeing her 3 year old great-granddaughter taking delight in the slideshow as well.
Helen seemed to really enjoy herself and I am so happy that I was able to capture new memories for her. For me personally, I have memories of times that have photos attached to them. Unfortunately, the memories I have of the past that do not have photos are jumbled in my mind or lost completely. It would be devastation for me if I lost (and I have) old images of my past. But on this day, Helen has new memories with images to go with them. =)
Happy 80th Helen! Keep on rockin' beautiful lady!
Newborn Sessions- What to Expect/How to Prepare
Best time to schedule your newborn session is while you are pregnant!
Read MoreTogether Sessions-What to Expect/How to Prepare
Family/Maternity/Couple Sessions- What to Expect/How to Prepare
*The most important part of this document is the last part- “At the Session”
· Time
The best time of day to shoot is the golden hour, the short period after sunrise or before sunset. This is when the light is the best, golden and soft. However, oftentimes with little ones, it is there bedtime. If it is possible to schedule a family session at this time, the images will be gorgeous! But is you know your child will be a tired mess that is ok. I prefer a happy, rested child. I know how to find soft, even light any time of day as long as the location is fitting.
· When to Schedule Your Maternity Session?
The best to shoot your maternity session is when you are between 34-37 weeks along.
· What to Wear?
1. Wear something that is flattering and comfortable for you; maybe that is a long dress or a cardigan and jeans.
For the kiddos, choose something that they will be comfortable in. I had a little girl come to the session in a beautiful dress. She was not acting herself, she refused to participate. Later we she said that she hated dresses so did not want to cooperate.
2. If you do have your daughter in a dress or skirt, please have your child wear bloomers, tights or shorts under the dress. We will be having fun and in the event the skirt flies up, modesty will prevail.
3. Avoid matching the family perfectly. Instead think of three complementary colors and choose items from those color groups.
4. Please try to avoid logos.
5. Here is the link to my Pinterest board for further guidance.
a. Maternity: www.pinterest.com/annica1/what-to-wear-maternity/
b. Family: www.pinterest.com/annica1/what-to-wear-family/
c. Couples: www.pinterest.com/annica1/what-to-wear-couples/
6. Once you know your color scheme, please let me know, if possible, so that I can choose a coordinating blanket.
· At the Session.
This is the really important part.
My goal is to capture emotion, personalities, genuine interaction and moments and to preserve memories. To do this, we need personal walls to be broken down. This can be hard when there is a camera around. So, what I would like from you is to come to the session without expectations. That is easy for me to type, but harder to do. I know. Let me see if I can help.
1. If I will be photographing children, tell them where you will be heading and that I will be there with my camera to document/photograph/capture your family time together. Word it how you feel will best communicate this to your child/children. Let them know what to expect but at this time, there is no need to bribe them. Bribing communicates that what they will be doing is not going to be fun. Try not to tell them to smile and behave. Think of this time as going to the park but looking your best. We want this to be fun for all. If your child throws a fit, IT’S OKAY! I am patient. (BTW, I have three boys, nothing fazes me). Does your child need to take a break for hugs? Prefect, I will snap away from a distance. Keep the mood light-hearted, do what you know will help your child feel better. Strong-willed child, that’s ok too! Try not to get frustrated or stressed as that just feeds into the child. Do not expect perfect behavior. Besides, I want to capture real life. And without the expectations of capturing perfect children, that’s when we will get the real smiles.
2. I will direct you to start out with. We will do a few ‘posed’ shots and with these posed shots I will put you in position. But after that, I want you to just be, be close to each other, and interact with each other (and not me!). I will guide this to begin with by asking questions in which to get the interaction going. For example, for a family, I may ask the children to recall a special time with mom. Or who farts the most (yes, I use potty humor to get laughs). For couples I may ask you to recall a special moment that only the two of you know about. I WANT you to engage and talk about it. I may ask sisters to tell whisper a secret. For a family session, we may play games. My goal is to get you less aware of me and more aware of each other and to feel.
* I want to see what transpires/unfolds as each relationship/family is unique.
We want this to shine through!*
3. Expect to be close. Expect to always be touching someone. Obnoxiously close. So make sure you brush your teeth. =)
4. Remember to keep your spine tall.
· Props?
I like the simple, natural style. I do not use a lot of props. I will usually bring a blanket, crate, or stool to sit on. If you have anything that you would like to bring, I am happy to incorporate it, just let me know in advance.
If you have any questions or requests about the session that is not covered here, please feel free to ask.
Baby Boot Camp Mother's Day Fundraiser-Newberg, Oregon Photographer →
Baby Boot Camp Mother's Day Fundraiser
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