The Morgan Family/Newberg, Oregon Family Photographer

Morgan Family Photo Session. Camp Tilikum, Newberg, Oregon

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Beilstein Family-Family Session/Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"I think I'll go for a walk outside now
The summer sun's callin' my name
(I hear ya now)
I just can't stay inside all day
I gotta get out, get me some of those rays

Everybody's smilin', sunshine day
Everybody's laughin', sunshine day
Everybody seems so happy today
It's a sunshine day"

-'Sunshine Day', The Brady Bunch

Did I just quote 'The Brady Bunch'? Oh yeah! Yes, I did. AND while typing this blog, I am listening to the song on YouTube. 

This session made me think of that song. It was a beautiful, sunshine day with a beautiful family (and Llama....or is that an alpaca? hmmm). Although it is currently Christmas Eve Eve, I am reliving this warm, late September day and that wonderful golden light. Guys, I am so behind on blogging my sessions, I am still blogging September sessions! Although this week I may be able to catch up. 

I absolutely love this session. A wonderful mix of portrait and lifestyle/candid. Such a lovely family and lil' models and one of my favorite locations, Camp Tilikum in Newberg. Can't you just feel the love this family has for each other? Gah, and what a gorgeous couple Matt and Kelsey are!! 

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do. 

Thank you Beilstein family for choosing me! Go forth and keep rockin' on! 

Newberg, Oregon Photographer- Camp Tilikum Sunshine

Words cannot express the delight it brings me when I am chosen again to photograph a family/special time. Seriously, it makes my year. I had the pleasure of photographing the Gabler family last January and it was so great to see them again and to capture this fun family! I consider them apart of the Nanci Imagery family. 

The last time that I photographed this sweet family the youngest kiddo was a newborn and Miss C was 9 months old. Well, the day before our session, Miss C celebrated her 2nd birthday! I love seeing my families growing up. It is such a joy for me! 

We are a family like a giant tree branching out the sky
We are a family, we are so much more than just you and I
We are a family like a giant tree
Growing stronger, growing wiser, we are growing free
We need you, we are a family
-"Family" - From Dreamgirls

Until next time Gabler family!

©Nanci Imagery-Newberg Photographer-Family Session

Great looking bunch, right?!

Miss C adores her momma and daddy.

Miss C adores her momma and daddy.

©Nanci Imagery, Newberg Photographer, Family Portraits

Her favorite thing to do was to pick the flowers. She was so sweet. She picked a few for me too. 

©Nanci Imagery, Newberg Photographer, Family Portraits
Miss A loves playing Pee-A-Boo! Playing Peek-A Boo totally brought out her personality! She also loves the camera. 

Miss A loves playing Pee-A-Boo! Playing Peek-A Boo totally brought out her personality! She also loves the camera. 

Oregon Photographer Newberg Child Portraits

Now her big brother on the other hand did not love the camera but he did love blowing Dandelions "lion's tooth'.  And I just love how he has a stick. Kids plus sticks immediately brings in the fun!  

Newberg Photographer Family Portraits
Nanci Imagery, Newberg Photographer, Family Portraits

On this gorgeous sunny day, Meema and Papa played hard with their grand-kids and the kids LOVED it!

©Nanci Imagery-Newberg Photographer, Family photography

The adult kiddos have known each other since high school, both couples are high school sweethearts. They are all so blessed to have each other! 


Click on the image below to view all the images from the session!