The Schooler Family/Wilsonville Family Photographer

Wilsonville Family Session

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Beilstein Family-Family Session/Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"I think I'll go for a walk outside now
The summer sun's callin' my name
(I hear ya now)
I just can't stay inside all day
I gotta get out, get me some of those rays

Everybody's smilin', sunshine day
Everybody's laughin', sunshine day
Everybody seems so happy today
It's a sunshine day"

-'Sunshine Day', The Brady Bunch

Did I just quote 'The Brady Bunch'? Oh yeah! Yes, I did. AND while typing this blog, I am listening to the song on YouTube. 

This session made me think of that song. It was a beautiful, sunshine day with a beautiful family (and Llama....or is that an alpaca? hmmm). Although it is currently Christmas Eve Eve, I am reliving this warm, late September day and that wonderful golden light. Guys, I am so behind on blogging my sessions, I am still blogging September sessions! Although this week I may be able to catch up. 

I absolutely love this session. A wonderful mix of portrait and lifestyle/candid. Such a lovely family and lil' models and one of my favorite locations, Camp Tilikum in Newberg. Can't you just feel the love this family has for each other? Gah, and what a gorgeous couple Matt and Kelsey are!! 

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do. 

Thank you Beilstein family for choosing me! Go forth and keep rockin' on! 

Lujan Family Session/Sherwood, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"Come on, take a chance
Get up and start the dance
Let the D.J. shake you
Let the music take you"

-'Everybody'- Madonna

Dance, nanci Imagery

When I arrived at Magnus Tree Farm in Sherwood, Oregon for the Lujan's family session, I realized that I recognized them but I just could not place it. Then when I got out of the car, I realized exactly where I know Holly and Dan from, the torture class at our gym. Holly and I had been emailing each other back and forth regarding the session but we did not realize that we actually know each other. I found it pretty amusing because anyone who does the torture class at the gym, I feel bonded too, even if I don't know their name. We suffered together, therefore we are bonded. =)

Holly and Dan are blessed with two wonderful, handsome, loving boys.  The whole family knows how to have fun. At the end of the session, we had a wee dance party...well, they had a dance party, I captured it. 

Thank you Lujan family for choosing me to photograph your delightful family! Go forth, burpee and rock on! 

Stillinger Family Session/Newberg, Oregon Portrait Photographer

"My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish."

-Rascal Flatts "My Wish"

It was a gorgeous September day (oh my goodness, I am 2 months behind in blogging!) when I met the Stillinger family. They invited me up to their property in Newberg. When I first arrived, I was immediately drawn to their front door. They bought it (I cannot recall where) and put it in their home. I thought it was so gorgeous and they fit perfectly in front of it. 

This session was inspiring and relaxing.  Chad and Lauren's little guy is SO chill and happy. The love was overflowing. 

I absolutely love how these images came out. This art, Nancy Imagery, that is captured, photographs, it is created with life,  emotion. I capture it. I do not create it.  Through these images I hope that you can see the excitement, love, energy, and togetherness. 

Thank you Stillinger family for inviting me to capture your family! Go forth and rock on!  

Pieper Family Session/Hillsboro, Oregon Photographer

"I'm gonna soak up the sun
I got my 45 on
So I can rock on"

'Soak Up the Sun'- Sheryl Crow

The Pieper session! I have so much to say about this shoot. I was so thrilled when Sarah asked me to photograph her family. I had the privilege of photographing her second son's 1st birthday photos a year ago and I was looking forward to seeing them again.

Let me start by talking about what happened before the session. Sarah wanted to do the session at a creek and we had a few places in mind but she wanted to check them out first. I too wanted to check out one of the locations because I was not sure it would be a good creek for a session. So I took my boys out to the location and guess who I see there? Yep, Sarah and her kiddos. She too was checking out the spot to see if it would be a good session spot. I thought that was pretty funny. 

We decided that it would not be  a good fit and we decided on Rood Bridge Park.  On the  day of the session, oh my goodness was it hot! No, it was not just hot, it was humid. So very humid. Not great weather for a photo session. But they handled it so very well. We wanted to do photos by the water but it was just so darn humid. Did I mention that it was humid? Yeah, I am not used to humidity. Do you see in the above photo how wet he is? 

Ok, moving on.....We started at the bridge and as we were all set-up for the first shot, the ducks arrived. And with the ducks  came a multitude of children that wanted to see the momma duck and her ducklings.  So we waited. The ducks left and so did the kiddos. I set-up the shot again and guess what happens? The ducks wanted to cross the bridge again. So the kids came back. We waited. They ducks left. I set-up again. And guess what happened. I kid you not. The ducks wanted to cross again. The kids came back to see the ducks. We waited. And then the ducks crossed again. I literally said, "Are you kidding me ducks?!" BUT this time, the Piepers were behind the ducks and the other kids were out of the way (this time!) and the shot was perfectly lined up. And finally the ducks went back to the water and we were able to officially start the session.  

The Pieper family rocks, they were so patient but busy. Can you be patient and busy also. Hmmm, well, they were. And I love it!  We ran, we did bubbles, we played games and we all rocked it! 

Thank you So much Peiper family for choosing me again! I had a hot, sticky, fun time with you and I look forward to working with you again! 

Go forth, soak up the sun and rock on! 

The Williams Family Session-Lake Oswego/Portland Area Photographer

"Two lil' kids with a flow you ain't ever heard
And none faking you can understand every word
As you listen to my cool school melody
The Daddy makes you J-U-M-P"

-Kriss Kross

It was a lovely September afternoon when I met the Williams family. As I type this , it is Halloween, pouring down rain and windy. Heavy rain AND wind is my least favorite weather combination. Hmmmm, no, make that heavy rain, wind and cold. Nope, snow. Snow, wind and cold is my least favorite. 

Ok, back on track. This day was beautiful. And this family was picture perfect!  So why the Kriss Kross lyrics? Why naturally because that song is awesome. Reminds me of my youth. And also because the song popped in my head when I thought of the Williams kiddos. Towards the end of our session the kiddos enjoyed jumping off my steps that I use for sessions. And they had some wicked jumping skills. 

So regardless of the downpour that is happening right now, I am going to get zombified anyway. I hope it stops in time for trick or treating! 

Thank you Williams family for choosing me to photograph your jumpin' family! Go forth and rock on!